Scientific Programme
Saturday, October 3, 2020
09.00 Registration Opens
11.00 – 11.10 Welcome Address
Michael von Bergwelt
11.10 – 13.30 Plenary Symposium 1: Emerging Concepts / New Agents
Chair: Christoph Zielinski, NN
11.10 - 11.30 Myeloid immune checkpoint inhibition
Timo K. van den Berg, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
11.30 - 11.50 Potential of ADAR Pathway in immunotherapy
Jeffrey Ishizuka, Boston, MA, USA
11.50 - 12.10 The Stimulator of Interferon Genes (STING) pathway. Emerging clinical data
Reinhard Dummer, Zurich, Switzerland
12.10 - 12.30 Neoadjuvant in melanoma: a new model for testing new strategies for improving efficacy
Christian Blank, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
12.30 - 12.50 CXCR3 required for anti-PD-1 efficacy
Aleksandra Ozga, Boston, MA, USA
12.50 - 13.10 IL-15 for cancer therapy
Mark Rubinstein, Charleston, SC, USA
13.10 - 13.30 T cell bispecific antibodies (4-1BB and tumor antigen)
Pablo Umana, Zurich, Switzerland
13.30 – 14.30 Lunch
14.30 – 16.10 Plenary Symposium 2: Microbiome and immunotherapy
Chair: Volkmar Nüssler, Giorgio Trinchieri
14.30 – 14.50 Microbiome and Immunotherapy in Cancer
Giorgio Trinchieri, Bethesda, MD, USA
14.50 - 15.10 Computational metagenomics for uncovering the unexplored microbiome diversity
Nicola Segata, Trento, Italy
15.10 - 15.30 Microbiome modulation for cancer therapy
Hendrik Poeck, Munich, Germany
15.30 - 15.50 Microbiome and epithelial cell stress in colon cancer
Dirk Haller, Munich, Germany
15.50 - 16.10 Microbiome modulation in HSC transplantation
Marcel van den Brink, New York, NY, USA
16.10 – 16.40 Coffee Break
16.40 – 19.10 Plenary Symposium 3: Tumor microenvironment
Chair: Eric Tartour, Jürgen Ruland
16.40 - 17.00 The role of the microbiome in modulating the efficacy of anti-PD-1 therapy
Vyara Matson, Chicago, IL, USA
17.00 - 17.20 Immunoscore as possible predictive marker of response to treatments
Franck Pagès, Paris, France
17.20 - 17.40 Tumor intrinsic vs tumor extrinsic immune suppression
Kai Wucherpfennig, Boston, MA, USA
17.40 - 18.00 Arming oncolytic viruses for DC activation and recruitment in melanoma
T.D. de Gruijl, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
18.00 - 18.20 Dissecting the interplay between tumor cells and the immune system in melanoma progression and response to therapy
Marisol Soengas, Madrid, Spain
18.20 - 18.40 Pancreatic Cancer Tumor Microenvironment
Lei Zheng, Baltimore, MD, USA
18.40 - 18.55 O1 - Tumor lactic acidosis alters decisive T cell activities
Angelika Fischbeck, Munich, Germany
18.55 - 19.10 O2 - TGF-beta blocks type I IFN release and tumor rejection in spontaneous mammary
Nadege Bercovici, Paris, France
19.10 – 20.45 Welcome Reception and Poster Viewing (at the venue)
Sunday, October 4, 2020
08.30 – 09.30 Plenary Symposium 4: Vaccine Therapy
Chair: Lei Zheng, Barbara Seliger
08.30 - 08.50 Mucosal vaccinations for cancer treatment
Georg Stary, Vienna, Austria
08.50 - 09.10 Multiple antigen-engineered DC vaccines promoting antitumor immunity in melanoma
Lisa Butterfield, San Francisco, CA, USA
09.10 - 09.30 Vaccine therapy in reversing anti -PD1 resistance
Samir Khleif, Washington, DC, USA
09.30 – 10.30 Pro & Contra Session:
Blinatumomab vs anti-CD19 CAR T cells: which treatment should be preferred and when?
Can we treat with either regimen after relapse on the other?
Chair: Dominik Wolf
09.30 – 10.00 Pro Bite
Max Topp, Würzburg, Germany
10.00 – 10.30 Pro CAR
Marion Subklewe, Munich, Germany
10.30 – 11.00 Coffee Break
11.00 – 12.30 Plenary Symposium 5: Precision Medicine Meets Immunotherapy (Immuno-Monitoring)
Chair: Lisa Butterfield, José Saro
11.00 – 11.20 High dimensional Immune Monitoring of Clinical Trials to Advance Human Immunotherapy
Pier Federico Gherardini, San Francisco, CA, USA
11.20 – 11.40 Hyperprogressive disease in patients treated with Immune checkpoint inhibitors
Giuseppe Lo Russo, Milan, Italy
11.40 - 12.00 Novel splice isoforms, target for immunotherapy
Jacques Banchereau, Bar Harbor, ME, USA
12.00 – 12.15 O3 - Local and systemic immunological effects of IORT in breast cancer patients after breast-
conserving surgery
Roman, Hennel, Munich, Germany
12.15 – 12.30 O4 - Directly Linking Single T Cell Phenotype and Function to Genotype
Yelena Bronevetsky, Emeryville, United States
12.30 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 15.00 Satellite Symposium
Please click HERE to view the detailed programme
15.00 – 15.45 Lifetime Achievement Award
Chair: Michael von Bergwelt
The 34th anniversary of interleukin 6; a major player in inflammation, autoimmunity and
Toshio Hirano, Chiba, Japan
15.45 – 16.15 Coffee Break
16.15 – 17.10 Plenary Symposium 6: “Lost in Translation”
Chair: Philipp Beckhove, Hendrik Poeck
16.15 – 16.35 Ups and downs of IDO inhibition in cancer treatment
George Prendergast, Philadelphia, PA, USA
16.35 – 16.55 Why adoptive T cell therapies fail solid tumors?
Sebastian Kobold, Munich, Germany
16.55 – 17.10 O5 - Mechanisms of lung cancer hyper-progression promoted by PD-1 immune checkpoint
Amaia Martinez-Usatorre, Lausanne, Switzerland
17.10 – 18.10 Plenary Symposium 7: Young Researcher Session
Chair: Sebastian Kobold, Lisa Butterfield
17.10 – 17.25 O6 - In vivo live imaging of human T/B cell lymphoma cross-linking mediated by bispecific
CD20-TCB antibody
Floriana Cremasco, Schlieren, Switzerland
17.25 – 17.40 O7 - Update of the OpACIN and OpACIN-neo trials: 36-months and 18-months relapse-free
survival after (neo)adjuvant ipilimumab plus nivolumab in macroscopic stage III melanoma
Judith Versluis, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
17.40 – 17.55 O8 - RIG-I activation enhances melanoma immunogenicity and improves anti-tumor T cell
responses in combination with anti-PD-1 immune checkpoint blocking antibodies
Beatrice Thier, Essen, Germany
17.55 - 18.10 O9 - Deconstruction of hampered dendritic cell development by micro-environmental cross-
talk in an organotypic human melanoma-in-skin model
Marta Lopez Gonzalez, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
19.30 ITOC7 Conference Dinner
Monday, October 5, 2020
08.00 – 09.05 Plenary Symposium 8: Cell Therapy in Solid Tumors
Chair: Christian Blank, Pedro Romero
08.00 – 08.20 Challenges of T-cell therapy in solid tumors
Cassian Yee, Houston, TX, USA
08.20 – 08.35 Novel CAR formats for solid tumors
08.35 – 08.50 Novel strategies to enable T cell therapy of cancer
Per Thor Straten, Herlev, Denmark
08.50 – 09.05 CAR T cell therapy in non hematological pediatric cancer
Franco Locatelli, Rome, Italy
09.05 – 10.20 Plenary Symposium 9: Cell Therapy in Haematologic Diseases
Chair: Hinrich Abken, Florian Bassermann
09.05 – 09.25 Cell therapy of hematological malignancies
Chiara Bonini, Milan, Italy
09.25 – 09.45 New targets and technologies for CAR-T
Michael Hudecek, Würzburg, Germany
09.45 – 10.05 Genome edited T cells for leukaemia
Waseem Quasim, London, United Kingdom
10.05 - 10.20 O10 - Synthetic agonistic receptor-activating BiTEs - a modular platform for the efficient
targeting of acute myeloid leukemia
Mohamaed-Reda Benmebarek, Munich, Germany
10.20 – 10.50 Coffee Break
10.50 – 13.15 Plenary Symposium 10: Combination Therapy
Chair: Samir Khleif, Michael Bergmann
10.50 – 11.10 Combination of innate immune stimulation with immune check point blockade for
cancer therapy
Simon Heidegger, Munich, Germany
11.10 - 11.30 Chemotherapy and antiPD-1 neoadjuvant Triple negative breast Cancer
Marleen Kok, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
11.30 - 11.50 Targeting the tumour microenvironment through co-neutralization of IL-1beta and PD-1 to attenuate MRD
Ron-Nathan Apte, Beer Sheva, Israel
11.50 - 12.10 Targeting immunosuppressive adenosine pathway in cancer
Rakesh Kumar, Gaithersburg, MD, USA
12.10 - 12.30 GARP-directed cancer immunotherapy: mechanisms and opportunities
Claus Belka, Munich, Germany
12.30 – 12.45 O11 - Expression of anti-apoptotic gene cFLIP to enhance persistence in CAR T cells
Grace Tan, North Dunedin, New Zealand
12.45 - 13.00 O12 - A bispecific VHH approach to leverage the potent and widely applicable tumor
cytolytic capacity of Vγ9Vδ2 T cells
Lisa King, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
13.00 - 13.15 O13 - Gemcitabine induces pro-apoptotic BH3 only proteins and sensitizes pancreatic ductal
adenocarcinoma cells for RLH-triggered immunogenic cell death
Philipp Metzger, Munich, Germany
13.15 - 13.30 Best Poster Awards & Closing Remarks
Chair: Volkmar Nüssler
13.30 - 14.30 Lunch & Farewell
Emerging concepts / novel agents
A Phase 1a/1b Dose-escalation Study of Intravenously Administered SB 11285 Alone and in Combination with Nivolumab in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors
Atif Abbas, Hopkinton, United States
HLA class-I and class-II restricted neoantigen loads predict overall survival in breast cancer
Yan Asmann, Jacksonville, United States
VOC Pattern Recognition of Lung Cancer: a Comparative Evaluation of Different Dog- and eNose-Based Strategies Using Different Sampling Materials
Wiebke Biehl, Munich, Germany
A spatially resolved, highly multiplexed biomarker analysis pipeline that bridges the divide between discovery and clinical research.
Oliver Braubach, Menlo Park, United States
Development of signal amplification for spatially-resolved, highly multiplexed biomarker analysis of human tumor tissues.
Oliver Braubach, Menlo Park, United States
Spatially-resolved, highly multiplexed biomarker analysis of cancerous and normal human breast tissues.
Oliver Braubach, Menlo Park, United States
Targeting a membrane proximal epitope on mesothelin increases the tumoricidal activity of a bispecific antibody blocking CD47 on tumor cells
Eric Hatterer, Plan les ouates - Geneva, Switzerland
Beyond PD-1: Characterization of new checkpoints restricting function of cytotoxic lymphocytes infiltrating human carcinoma
Anna Herbstritt, München, Germany
Dual signalling protein 107 triggers innate and adaptive immune response towards tumour cells
Lisa Jacob, Groningen, Netherlands
IFNy secretion of adaptive and innate immune cells as a parameter to display leukaemia derived dendritic cell (DCleu) mediated immune responses in AML
Lara Klauer, Munich, Germany
Immunomodulation of blasts with clinically approved response modifiers to improve antileukemic T-cell reactivity in AML: an ex vivo simulation of the clinical situation
Christoph Kugler, Munich, Germany
Role of Exosomes as promotors or biomarkers to study activation of leukemia-derived dendritic cells (DCleu)-mediated antileukemic activation of adaptive and innate immune-reactive cells against AML-blasts
lin li, munich, Germany
MERTK signaling is critical for T cell proliferation and memory
Richard Powell, Herlev, Denmark
Excessive biological ageing of circulating neutrophils in cancer promotes tumor progression
Christoph Reichel, Munich, Germany
Personalized combination of neoadjuvant domatinostat, nivolumab (NIVO) and ipilimumab (IPI) in macroscopic stage III melanoma patients stratified according to interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) signature - the DONIMI study
Irene Reijers, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Effects of the STAT3 inhibitors on senescent tumour cells
Olena Sapega, Prague, Czech Republic
Tim-3/Galectin-9 pathway controls the ability of malignant cells to escape host immune surveillance. Regulatory mechanisms and therapeutic targets
Vadim Sumbayev, Chatham Maritime, United Kingdom
Metabolic status and immune activation influence clinical outcomes in patients after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Sebastian Theurich, Munich, Germany
‘Kit’-mediated blastmodulation to leukemia-derived DC significantly improves antileukemic activities in whole blood independent of AML-patients’ subtypes
Selda Ugur, Munich, Germany
Tim-3-galectin-9 immunosuppressive pathway in human liquid and solid tumours
Inna Yasinska, Chatham Maritime, United Kingdom
Microbiome and immune system/immunotherapy
Predictive impact of the gut microbiota on treatment response to CD19 specific CAR T-cells
Viktoria Blumenberg, Munich, Germany
Generating neo- and self-antigen screening libraries for class II HLA presentation
Veronica Pinamonti, Heidelberg, Germany
Microwave ablation enhances tumor-specific immune response in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
Elena Staib, Köln, Germany
Tumor microenvironment
Prevalence of CD112R+ immune cells in normal lymphatic tissues, inflammation and the cancer microenvironment
Niclas Blessin, Hamburg, Germany
A reference transcriptomic map of tumor-infiltrating T cells
Santiago Carmona, Epalinges, Switzerland
The immune contexture has an impact on platinum sensitivity in primary and metastatic ovarian cancer
Katharina Dötzer, Munich, Germany
Suppression of T-cell proliferation and cytokine release by the adenosine axis are mediated by different mechanisms
Julia Festag, PLANEGG/ MARTINSRIED, Germany
Organization, function and gene expression of tertiary lymphoid structures in PDAC resembles lymphoid follicles in secondary lymphoid organs
María García-Márquez, Cologne, Germany
Applying Multispectral Unmixing and Spatial Analyses to Explore Tumor Heterogeneity with a Pre-Optimized 7-color Immuno-Oncology Workflow
Virginie goubert, Marlborough, United States
Deep Spatial Profiling of the Immune Landscape of MSI and MSS Colorectal Tumors
Mathias Holpert, Seattle, United States
Pattern of Ki67+ expanding CD8+ cytotoxic T cells in healthy tissues, inflammation and the cancer microenvironment
Claudia Hube-Magg, Hamburg, Germany
In Vitro Functional Bioassays using suppressive macrophages, MDSC and exhausted T cells to evaluate Candidate Therapeutic Effectiveness in Immuno-Oncology
Thibaut Janss, Gosselies, Belgium
Fast automated microfluidic-based multiplexed immunofluorescence for tumor microenvironment analysis
Alexandre Kehren, Lausanne, Switzerland
Omental fat in ovarian cancer potentially induces lymphangiogenesis
Benedicte Lenoir, Heidelberg, Germany
Immune activation underlies clinical response to intravesical BCG immunotherapy in non-muscle invasive bladder cancer
Chun Lim, Singapore, Singapore
Prevalence and prognostic role of FoxP3<sup>+</sup>regulatory T lymphocytes in cancer. A tissue microarray study on >20’000 cancers
Tim Mandelkow, Hamburg, Germany
Exploring tumor-intrinsic factors regulating the recruitment of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Carlotta Rambuscheck, München, Germany
Immunophenotyping of liver and lung metastases in colorectal cancer
Friederike Schlüter, Munich, Germany
Predicting tumor specific outcome from a highly differential analysis of circulating immune cells in hepatocellular carcinoma patients after surgery
Markus Schoenberg, Munich, Germany
Age-induced changes in anti-tumor immunity alter the tumor immune infiltrate and reduce response to immune-oncology treatments
Suzanne Sitnikova, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Preclinical Case Study: Patient-derived head and neck cancer xenograft on mice humanized with autologous immune cells, a model for personalized immuno-oncology research
Maria Stecklum, Berlin, Germany
Site-specific immune evasion and substantial heterogeneity within entities provide evidence for personalized immunotherapy
Martin Thelen, 50931, Germany
Functional Defects in B-cells of Patients with von-Hippel-Lindau Syndrome
Sebastian Theurich, Munich, Germany
uPA-PAI-1 heteromers promote advanced stages of breast cancer by attracting pro-tumorigenic neutrophils
Bernd Uhl, München, Germany
Solid cancers possess increased CD86+ antigen-presenting B cells that induce tumor antigen-specific T cell responses in vitro
Kerstin Wennhold, Cologne, Germany
Evaluation of immunogenicity differences in LLC1 and GL261 tumor models for effective chemo-immunotherapy treatment
Karolina Zilionyte, Vilnius, Lithuania
Vaccine Therapy
Dendritic-cell based immunotherapy targeting pancreatic and NSCLC cancer stem cells
João Calmeiro, Coimbra, Portugal
A novel Cancer immunotherapy combines rMVA-CD40L with tumor targeting antibodies
Maria Hinterberger, Martinsried, Germany
Immune modulatory vaccine directed against IDO1-expressing immune cells elicits T cell-mediated anti-tumor immunity and enhances anti-PD1 responses
Ayako Pedersen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Multifunctional antibody construct for in vivo targeting of dendritic cells as a therapeutic vaccination strategy in AML
Saskia Schmitt, München, Germany
The CXCR3/CXCL10 axis promotes the terminal differentiation of TCF1+ T cells in persistent viral infection
Aleksandra Ozga, Boston, MA, USA
Precision Medicine Meets Immunotherapy (Immuno-Monitoring)
Correlation of survival with alterations in peripheral T cell subsets, T cell activation markers and immune checkpoint molecules in advanced pancreatic cancer patients receiving FOLFIRINOX or gemcitabine + nab-paclitaxel.
Stephan Kruger, Munich, Germany
Comparative analysis of RNA versus DNA as input material for IGH repertoire sequencing panels for immuno-oncology applications and rare clone detection
Geoffrey Lowman, Carlsbad, United States
Cell Therapy in Solid Tumors
Bispecific antibody-driven synthetic agonistic receptor - transduced T cells mediate specific and conditional therapy in melanoma cancer models
Mohmaed-Reda Benmebarek, Munich, Germany
Auto-inducible promoters to improve CAR T cell efficacy and patient safety in solid tumor treatment
Hannah Goy, Dunedin, New Zealand
Enhancing CAR T cell persistence and memory through modulating mitochondrial function
Grace Tan, Dunedin, New Zealand
C-C chemokine receptor 8 tumor-directed recruitment enables CAR T cells to reject solid tumors
Bruno L. Cadilha, München, Germany
Clinical considerations for chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapies --- a regulatory perspective
Ke Liu, SILVER SPRING, United States
Optimising inducible and constitutive promoters for driving long RNA encoding chimeric antigen receptors (CAR) and accessory genes
Alexander McLellan, Dunedin, New Zealand
Enhancing T cell function for cancer immunotherapy by microRNA mediated knockdown of PRKAR1A
Aarati Poudel, Dunedin, New Zealand
IDO1-deleted CAR T cells show improved therapeutic efficacy in murine pancreatic cancer models
Anne Senz, München, Germany
Adoptive cell therapy of triple negative breast cancer with redirected Cytokine-Induced Killer cells
Roberta Sommaggio, Padova, Italy
CXCR6 expression enhances accumulation of anti-mesothelin CAR T cells at the tumor site and their therapeutic efficacy in pancreatic cancer xenografts
Stefan Stoiber, Munich, Germany
Immunomodulatory biomarkers in neoadjuvant chemotherapy of breast cancer
Kerstin Wimmer, Vienna, Austria
Anti-hPSMA CAR engineered NK-92 cells: An off-the-shelf cellular therapeutic for targeted elimination of prostate cancer cells
Gaia Zuccolotto, Padova, Italy
Cell Therapy in Haematologic Diseases
CD19 CAR T-cells for relapsed/refractory Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma: Real-world data from LMU Munich
Veit Bücklein, Munich, Germany
High-affinity TCRs specific for Cancer Testis Antigens as a therapy for multiple myeloma and solid tumors
Natasa Prokopi, Leiden, Netherlands
Combination Therapy
New strategy for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia by combining specific CD33 tumor targeting with CD47-SIRPa immune checkpoint blockade
Markus Eisele, Munich, Germany
Low-dose Checkpoint inhibitors with hyperthermia and IL-2 are safe and effective in stage IV cancer with unfavorable immunological profile (MSI low, PD-L1 under 1%, TMB low) - A single-institution experience from 2015 to 2020
Ralf Kleef, Vienna, Austria
Photo therapy with cancer-specific nanoporphyrin potentiates immunotherapy in bladder cancer
Chong-xian Pan, Sacramento, United States
Combining PD-1/PD-L1 blockade and RANKL inhibitors to treat breast cancers unresponsive to standard therapy
Charlotte Pilard, Liège, Belgium
Young Researchers Session
CCL18 modulates the immunological microenvironment in ovarian carcinoma
Sangya Chatterjee, Heidelberg, Germany
Adoptive cell therapy of hematological malignancies using Cytokine-Induced Killer cells retargeted with monoclonal antibodies
Anna Dalla Pietà, Padua, Italy
A novel universal CAR-T cell platform based on the P329G mutation in therapeutic IgG1 antibodies
Diana Darowski, Schlieren, Switzerland
Uveitis caused by new tumor treatments
Hendrik Engelke, Munich, Germany
Mapping and tackling tumor and chemotherapy-induced immune suppression in breast cancer sentinel lymph nodes
Marijne Heeren, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Cathepsin S alterations induce a tumor-promoting immune microenvironment in follicular lymphoma
Johannes Hildebrand, Munich, Germany
Oncolytic H5N1 influenza strain displays superior therapeutic properties independent of immuno-stimulatory interleukin-2 transgene expression
Julijan Kabiljo, Vienna, Austria
Immunogenicity induced by the academic Chimeric Antigen Receptor CAR19 (ARI-0001) in patients with CD19-positive relapsed/refractory B-cell malignancies recruited into the CART19-BE-01 clinical trial
Nela Klein-González, Barcelona, Spain
'An enhanced CRISPR tool for treating chronic myelogenous leukemia'
Duško Lainšček, Ljubljana, Slovenia
An immune modulatory vaccine targeting CCL22 promotes anti-tumor immunity
Inés Lecoq, København, Denmark
Clinical-grade manufacturing of ROR1 CAR T cells using a novel virus-free protocol
Katrin Mestermann, Würzburg, Germany
PD-1 checkpoint blockade for treatment of mucormycosis and invasive aspergillosis in a stem cell transplant recipient
Niklas Mueller, Munich, Germany
Targeting the stroma to enhance effector memory T cell infiltration and anti-tumor response to anti-PD1 antibody in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Arsen Osipov, Baltimore, United States
Hematotoxicity and Infectious Complications of CD19 CAR-T cell treated patients: Real-life data from the LMU Munich
Kai Rejeski, München, Germany
Optimization of anti-nucleolin single-domain antibody against triple negative breast cancer
Rita Ribeiro, Coimbra, Portugal
Local immunotherapy of brain cancer harnessing high-retention Fc-fusion constructs
Linda Schellhammer, Schlieren, Switzerland
TLR3 suppresses colorectal carcinogenesis, presumably through up-regulation of T-cell attracting CXC chemokines
Anna Sichler, München, Germany
Bifunctional SIRPα-CD123 fusion antibody for the elimination of acute myeloid leukemia stem cells
Siret Tahk, Munich, Germany
Optimization of a GMP-grade large-scale expansion protocol for Cytokine-Induced Killer cells using gas-permeable static culture flasks.
Annavera Ventura, Padua, Italy