Guidelines for Presenters
Commercial Disclosure information
Due to EACCME regulations, authors are requested to disclose possible conflicts of interest on the first slide.
A sample slide can be found here.
A conflict of interest is any situation in which a speaker or immediate family members have interests, and those may cause a conflict with the current presentation. Conflicts of interest do not preclude the delivery of the talk, but should be explicitly declared. These may include financial interests (eg. owning stocks of a related company, having received honoraria, consultancy fees), research interests (research support by grants or otherwise), organizational interests and gifts.
If you have nothing to disclose, please state “I have no commercial disclosure” instead of the table.
Projection and Technical Setting
PowerPoint is the only communication tool available in all session halls. Overhead projection, slide projection or flipcharts are not available.
Speakers are kindly asked to observe that only computers provided by the venue may be used for showing your presentations. All PowerPoint presentations must be handed in at the speakers’ preview centre.
All presentations are loaded into a PowerPoint handling system that will store and distribute your presentation to the session hall in time for your session.
All PowerPoint presentations should be handed in at least 2 hours before the session starts.
Please check your presentation carefully on the preview room computer assigned by the staff before the final sign off.
The staff of the speakers’ preview centre will load your presentation into the system so that it will be available on the computer in your session hall when you come to speak.
If you are doing more than one speech during the congress, you may upload all your presentations at the same time and they will be sent to the session hall at the time of your session.
The PowerPoint handling and distribution system is optimized for MS PowerPoint 2007 (Office 2007) and “*.pdf” (Adobe Acrobat)-files. The uploading of “DVD-Movies” is not supported.
The supported data media are: CD and USB-Memory Key. You may want to carry a second key/CD as a back-up in case there is any insoluble technical problem. All needed files (including the movie files!) - have to be saved on the data media. Presentations can also be taken off speakers notebooks at the Preview centre.
The fonts that are used in the presentations should be "Latin-based fonts“. If the speaker needs special fonts, they should be stored as "embedded fonts“ with the presentation (File -> save as "name of presentation“ and under "tools“ ->save options mark the checkbox "embed True type fonts“ and select "embed all characters“).
When using mathematical symbols please use these which are available under Latin fonts (unicode or DOS: Western Europe). These can be shown without any problems in Office 2007.
As format for embedded movies “MPEG2 - movies” are preferred (but can also be *.avi, *.wmv ). If Codecs are used, the Code package DIVx in the current version, which can be found under, should be chosen.
Presentations should be saved as "*.ppt“, “*.pptx” ( = PowerPoint) or "*.pps“,*.ppsx“ (=PowerPoint Slideshow) - file and movies as separate files on the data media.
The computers and projectors will be set up and optimised for resolution ratio 16:9.
These guidelines should be seen as a matter of improving the effectiveness of the preview system and in consequence also the speakers comfort.
General hints and tips
Like all of us, you will have sat through many conference talks, some good and some bad. We have all been to talks which failed to communicate their message because the speaker spoke impossibly fast, perhaps in a very indistinct way, or flashed through large numbers of slides so crammed with detail that nobody could follow them.
So please:
Make yourself known to the chairpersons and/or the room assistant in your session room before the beginning of the session.
Remember that the vast majority of the audience are not native English speakers - speak clearly (whether or not English is your native tongue) and not too fast
Plan an average of no more than 1 slide per minute, in most cases
Keep your Powerpoints simple. In text slides, use no more than seven lines per slide, with ample space between the lines, and no more than seven words per line in suitably large lettering
Leave sufficient space between the text and the edge of the slide/screen. Some data projectors may not display the very border of the slide/presentation.
Poster Printing Service​
ITOC recommends to use the poster printing service of a copyshop very close to the conference venue to enable you to have your poster professionally printed.
In case of questions about this service, please send an email to Mr. Batur at who will be pleased to discuss deadlines and send you an offer according to your needs
Only posters in portrait format can be mounted.
The usable surface on the poster board will be 90 cm width x 130 cm height.
Pins can be used to mount posters. Material will be available onsite.
Important Guidelines
Due to EACCME regulations, authors are requested to disclose possible conflicts of interest on the poster.
When presenting data and health information (including photos) all presenters must have informed consent compliant with human subjects and applicable regulations.
Posters should stimulate discussion, not give a long presentation. Therefore, keep text to a minimum, emphasize graphics and make sure every item is necessary.
Include the title of your presentation. The organization of the ITOC Conference will not post the abstract titles on display boards.
The lettering of the poster heading should be at least 2.5 cm high. Detailed information should be provided in a smaller type, but remember that your text must be easily readable from distances of at least 1 meter.
Optional Materials: If you wish, you may prepare handouts for distribution to interested colleagues. Alternatively you may include a QR code on the poster which would trigger a download of the handouts (WIFI is available in the poster area). Some authors may also wish to provide business cards/contact information. Your passport photograph on the poster may facilitate contacts during the congress.
For additional assistance in preparing your poster, there are a number of excellent resources available online. For more information, type “scientific poster preparation guidelines” into your internet search engine.