Welcome to the ITOC10 Reviewing System
Deadline for reviewing: Sunday, January 14, 2024, 23:59 hrs CET!
Please read the reviewing instructions below
How do I score my Abstracts online?
How do I download/print my abstracts in order to work offline?
How do I change a score?
Which options or filters can I use?
Where can I get support?
1. How do I score my Abstracts online?
After entering the reviewing site (link to be found at the bottom of this page), please login with your login and username (to be found in the email sent to you).
Click on "Review Abstracts" on the left side of the page, this will display the first/next abstract to be scored.
The page will display:
the presentation preference
the control number
the title of the abstract
the topic of the abstract
the keywords (as selected by the author)
the abstract text
You will have to select:
the Score.
Please use the following grading for your review:4 – Oral Presentation Strongly Recommended
3 – Oral Presentation Possible
2 – Poster Presentation Strongly Recommended
1 – Poster Presentation Possible
0 – Rejected
Conflict of Interest (COI)Please do not score abstracts from your own research group or network. They should be marked "Conflict of Interest - C.O.I".
You may also add an additional comment if applicable.
Click on "Save and Continue" to access the next abstract.
Please note that your input is saved after each abstract. You may return and finish reviewing at a later stage.
2. How do I download/print my abstracts in order to work offline?
Step 1:
Click on "Bulk View Abstracts" in the "Offline Options" on the left of the page.
Click on "Include All Abstracts" and the number of abstracts that should be displayed in each group (10-50), finally on "Compose Abstracts" (in the lower part of the page).
The next page gives you links to batches of the selected number of abstracts each.
Click on "Display 1 to NN" to open the new page, you can then print or "copy/paste" abstracts into a word document. Repeat this step with all further batches.
(Experienced users may filter the download using the "Sort Options" as well as the "Abstract range", but you may just as well ignore these options to get all abstracts in your topic).
Step 2:
After reviewing, please return and click on "QuickScore Abstracts".
Click on "Include All Abstracts" and "Search".
The next page displays all assigned abstracts. If you are unsure, you may see the abstract text by clicking on the control number.
You will have to select:
the Score, ranging from 4 (Oral Presentation Strongly Recommended) to 0 (reject). Please do not score abstracts from your own research group or network. They should be marked "Conflict of Interest - C.O.I".
You may also a an additional comment if applicable.
Click on "Save and Continue" to access the next set of papers.
Please note that your input is saved after each page. You may return and finish scoring at a later stage.
3. How do I change a score?
Click on "QuickScore Abstracts"
Click on "Include Only Scored Abstracts" and "Search" (both in the lower part of the page).
Scroll for the abstract to be changed and enter the new score.
If changing only a few scores, you may enter the control number directly in the text box and then click on "Search".
4. Which options or filters can I use?
The "Category Filter" will give you the possibility to display only the abstracts of one topic, in case you have been assigned more than one.
Clicking on "Review abstracts" will take you to the first/next abstract to be scored.
"Edit/View Scores" will give you an overview on your scores in tabular format and will allow to enter the abstracts and to edit the score.
"BulkView/Print Abstracts" allows download of abstract packets and offline reviewing. Scoring can then be made via "QuickScore Abstracts" (see below)
"QuickScore Abstracts" will display a tabular view of the abstracts and allows scoring of 10 abstracts per page. Mostly used to enter scores after an offline reviewing or to edit scores.
"Logout" will log you out of the system
5. Where can I get support?
For support during the reviewing process, please send an email to itoc@wma.co.at .
Deadline for reviewing: Sunday, January 14, 2024, 23.59hrs CET!