Guidelines for Presenters
Detailed information for presenters at the ITOC8 Virtual Conference
Guidelines for LIVE Presentations
Preparation of your presentation
Please note, that the deadline for upload of your presentation is September 22, 2021. You are kindly requested to respect this deadline since our technical team will have to review all presentations to check if they are all working flawlessly and this requires some time. We cannot guarantee a technical check for presentations received after this deadline and cannot take any liability for any technical issues related to a late upload.
How to pre-record your presentation
To pre-record your presentation, we suggest to use the built-in feature called “Record Presentation” in Powerpoint to be found inside the Slideshow-Ribbon.
Please see the detailed guidelines for recording in either MS PowerPoint 2010, 2013, 2016 or PowerPoint 365.
Technical guidelines for uploading your presentation
Your talk needs to be uploaded to the platfrom as a mp4 file. Speakers will receive the upload link via email.
The name of your presentation file should include:
- Presentation number
- Presenter’s name (First Name Last Name)
(for example P01.01_John Smith). -
The official conference language is English. Therefore, all presentations are to be held in English.
Your presentation must include an audio file within your Powerpoint presentation. Please see attached for instructions on how to add audio to your presentation.
Format: presentation files will be accepted as Rehearsed Video Export of your Powerpoint presentation. Macintosh presentations (i.e. Keynote) or pdf cannot be accommodated.
The size of your presentation must not exceed 500 MB.
Audio and movies: Make sure that all of your audios and videos are embedded into the power point file.
Videos and animations are supported but will be automatically started with the slide.
Fonts: Do not use special fonts which are not part of the standard PowerPoint package, as this will cause problems while uploading your file or choose to embed them when saving.
File name: The name of the presentation file should include presentation number and the presenter’s name. In addition, it should have a maximum of 40 characters. To avoid any compatibility problems, please do not use special characters (e.g. «, Ö, Ø, ñ, ε, ®, ý, }, {, etc.) to name your presentation.
Do not use any passwords, encryption or protection for your presentation.
Please note that macros must not be used and flash-animations are not supported.
Aspect ratio of your presentation should be 16:9 landscape (mandatory).
If desired, you can add your picture/video to the presentation on the best possible position depending on your slides.
​Live Talks
Live means that the session will be streamed live via the virtual platform at the date and time indicated above. The “live” element only refers to the live Q&A / discussion. The presentation itself needs to be pre-record by the speaker and uploaded to the virtual platform ahead of the meeting. Detailed technical instructions on how to prepare and upload your pre-recorded presentation are attached to this mail.
To make the virtual meeting more interactive and exciting for participants, you are kindly asked to be present during the live session in which your talk is scheduled and to answer questions from the audience.
Questions will be monitored by the session moderators in the session chat and will be directed to you after your pre-recorded presentation has been played.
Further information on how to access the speakers/moderators section of the virtual conference platform will follow by beginning of September.
Note that your presentation will be converted into a file format that does not allow downloads of your talk. But just like in a real conference, it is possible for the registered participants to make photographs or screen shots of your presentation. If you do not wish any scientific content of your presentation to be photographed, please indicate this on the according slide(s) in a clearly visible way.
​Commercial Disclosure information
Due to EACCME regulations, authors are requested to disclose possible conflicts of interest on the first slide. An example slide can be found here.
A conflict of interest is any situation in which a speaker or immediate family members have interests, and those may cause a conflict with the current presentation. Conflicts of interest do not preclude the delivery of the talk, but should be explicitly declared. These may include financial interests (eg. owning stocks of a related company, having received honoraria, consultancy fees), research interests (research support by grants or otherwise), organisational interests and gifts.
If you have nothing to disclose, please state “I have no commercial disclosure” instead of the table.
Guidelines for e-POSTER Presentations
Important Information and Technical Guidelines for Preparation and Upload of your e-Poster
The ITOC8 Virtual Meeting organisers are looking forward to seeing your e-poster during the meeting and thank you in advance for your cooperation in following these guidelines.
File name: The name of your file presentation file should include:
- Final publication number (see notification mail)
- Presenter’s name
To avoid any compatibility problems, please do not use special characters (e.g. «, Ö, Ø, ñ, ε, ®, ý}, { etc.) to name your presentation.
Please note that registration and a payment (received) of the respective fee is mandatory to be granted access to the upload platform. Please CLICK HERE to access the ITOC8 registration page. If the presenting author of the abstract fails to register and upload the e-Poster, the abstract will not be published in the abstract book.
If you are not able to present your e-Poster, you are kindly requested to contact the organising office as soon as possible to withdraw your abstract from the system.
In case of a change of presenter, please nominate a co-author who is not presenter of another abstract already and send us the full name and E-mail address of the co-author who will present the paper.
In compliance with EACCME requirements all speakers and presenters have been requested to indicate Conflicts of Interest upon abstract submission. Please ensure that the first slide in your presentation is a Conflict of Interest Slide. An example slide can be found here.
A conflict of interest is any situation in which a speaker or immediate family members have interests, and those may cause a conflict with the current presentation. Conflicts of interest do not preclude the delivery of the talk, but should be explicitly declared. These may include financial interests (eg. owning stocks of a related company, having received honoraria, consultancy fees), research interests (research support by grants or otherwise), organisational interests and gifts.
If you have nothing to disclose, please state “I have no commercial disclosure” instead of the table.
1. Text: Your guiding principle should be “As much as necessary, as little as possible”. The text should be concise and to the point, key facts may be highlighted.
2. Colours: Colours should be used sparingly. Choose colour combinations that make your text easy to read (preferably dark background – light fonts; avoid red and green).
3. Layout: Keep data on the slides simple. Ensure a logical order of the content. A clear and well-structured arrangement is the most attractive and the easiest to read.
4. Images: It is recommended that you collect your illustration material well in advance. Do not select too many images and concentrate on those which support your key points and conclusions optimally.
5. The official conference language is English. Therefore, all presentations are to be prepared in English.
1. Format: Electronic posters will be accepted in PDF format ONLY.
2. File size: The PDF should not exceed 10 pages, the file size per poster should be limited to 500 MB.
3. Ratio: Aspect ratio of your presentation must be 16:9.
4. Fonts: Do not use special fonts which are not part of the standard PowerPoint package, as this may cause problems while uploading your file.
5. Do not use any passwords, encryption or protection for your presentation.
In case of any technical problems during the upload, please contact us at support@steinerlive.com
Posters must be uploaded to the ITOC8 Virtual Meeting presentation management system. Further instructions (f.e. your personal upload link will follow by email.
Upload will be possible as of July 30, 2021.
Deadline for upload of your e-Poster is September 22, 2021 at 23.59hrs CEST.
We encourage you to upload your poster as soon as possible to leave enough time for the poster jury to review the presentations received. e-Poster Presentations that are not uploaded by the deadline may not qualify for the ITOC8 Poster Awards.
The virtual platform will offer a messaging system to get in touch with e-Poster authors.
We encourage you to complete your personal profile page adding as much information as possible (Keywords) to be easily found via the “search” function for other participants.
Please note that your presentation will be accessible from the virtual platform during and 1 month after the conference (November 9, 2021) to all participants of the Virtual Congress.
Note that your presentation will be converted into a file format that does not allow a download of your talk. But just like in a real conference, it is possible for the registered participants to make photographs or screen shots of your presentation. If you do not wish any scientific content of your presentation to be photographed, please indicate this on the according slide(s) in a clearly visible way.
Additional Information
When presenting data and health information (including photos) all presenters must have informed consent compliant with human subjects and applicable regulations, and comply with GDPR.
Layout: Keep data on the slides simple. Ensure a logical order of the content. A clear and well-structured arrangement is the most attractive and easiest to view on screen.
We recommended that you collect your illustration material well in advance. Refrain from selecting too many images. Concentrate on those which emphasize your key points and conclusions optimally. Avoid overlying images on one slide as they cannot be visualised on the final version of your presentation.